
Take Your Life and Make Less Mistakes

NED. #1 with a bullet.
I'm pleased to announce my adulthood, though it's a little late to the party. No I didn't get a full-time job. Yes I'm wearing cut-offs, a band t-shirt, and a pair of Chucks right now, but lately I have been making better life choices.  Facing fears, uprooting bad habits and trying to be a better man.

If you set me up, I'm going to finish your that's-what-she-said joke. Around 4AM there's a good chance I'm up doing something nerdy while listening to metal. I prefer milkshakes to cocktails. You'll find me at a pinball machine more often than an ATM. I like frozen yogurt with sprinkles. If there's a comic book movie, I'll see it. I say "gnarly" unironically.    

Maturity isn't the taming of man, nor is it measured in suit jackets. It rears its head every time you face a problem head on, learn from a mistake, or conquer your own bullshit baggage. I got kid-pride and nerd bravado. I'm a man and an adult.    

1 comment :

  1. If there's a comic book movie, I'll see it. I say "gnarly" unironically.

    I got kid-pride and nerd bravado

    ~LOVE IT!!
