Take care of your mom. Listen to her when she walks you. You're bigger than she is. Respect that.
The world is a tough place. But, it's never as bad as we imagine it. What is important is to face your fears. I just wish I could be there with you to help you face yours. I can't. I'm here. I'm sorry, Baby Boy. This will be your first birthday alone. You'll be four (28 in your years) now which makes you almost my age. If I had any good advice, I'd give it to you, but I haven't quite figured out this late twenties thing either.
Watching you play with other dogs gives me such a kick. The way you play so gingerly with the smaller animals is a testament to your character and heart. One thing though: don't take the other dogs' toys. They don't realize that you just want them to chase you. You love to be chased. Don't we all?
Be brave, Little Guy. You're a small lion.
I'm proud of you.